
Web Design Mistakes to Avoid According to the Experts

Web design mistakes are common. Even the most experienced web designers make them from time to time. But what are some web design mistakes that you need to avoid? This article will discuss web design mistakes new web designers often make, as well as web design mistakes experts have made in the past and learned from so they won’t be repeated again.

Complicated Navigation

Navigation is key for a good website. All the best experts in web design in Canada explain how crucial it is to keep your web design navigation uncluttered, clean and simple. It’s the most effective way to keep the people visiting your website interested. 

The main web page should be easy to find and recognize for visitors with a clear path into the site and out again. A good website design company will help you in this regard by ensuring that you do not have too many links on your web pages. 

Keep them short but sweet! For example, if there are more than five clicks until they get where they need to go then it is probably time to review things again.

The text used for each link clearly defines what content can be found behind it so that users know exactly what they are clicking on without confusion or delay. This also helps keep the user experience positive because there’s no ambiguity about where people are supposed to go.

Too Many Fonts

You should only use one font family per web design. Using too many fonts will make your web page look hard to read and it is difficult for users to visually distinguish between different pieces of text on the screen. 

It’s important to use a font that works well with all web browsers, including Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox. For example, you should avoid serif typefaces like Times New Roman because they are designed only for print media, not web browsers because this makes them harder to read online as there is no anti-aliasing provided by printers unlike in web pages where Font smoothing technology is used instead. 

Serif fonts were popular before LCD monitors became mainstream so designers have now turned towards sans-serif which works better especially at smaller sizes when displayed digitally.

Small Font Size

Everyone should be able to read web content without any trouble. The web community has been talking a lot about web accessibility lately, and it is important that everyone should be able to access your website’s information whether they have eyesight problems or not.

Small font size can hamper the reading experience for some web users while having large fonts will make the page look overwhelming for others with small screen sizes. Make sure you use both appropriate contrasts between text and background colours as well as sufficiently sized typefaces in order to facilitate the easy readability of your web pages across devices and platforms. 

Try testing out different types of layouts on various browsers before finalizing one design. You should do this because there are many factors other than just regular PC screens that contribute towards how readable a appears on mobile phone screens such as web browser, mobile phone’s screen size and the type of font that you use.

Too Many Colours

Never mess around too much with the colour palettes on web design. If you use too many colours people may see your website as a jumble of bright and bold images, which will not leave the best impression on them!

Stay away from being overly creative with web design when it comes to colours. Just stick with two or three that complement each other well. Also be sure that there is one main focal point for any web page or blog post, rather than just throwing loads of different objects onto the screen all at once; make sure the user knows where to look first and foremost! 

Here are some suggestions on what colour combinations to use:

  • Blue and Yellow
  • Purple, Red, Green
  • White with Black
  • Grey and Black
  • Green, Red and Orange with Brown

If you stick to these basic colour schemes then your web page will be much more easily scannable for the user. They can focus on one main element without getting too distracted by all of the other ones! So stick to black text on white backgrounds, or white text on a black background, for web pages where you want people to focus their attention.

Not Enough Visual Hierarchy

It’s essential to have a good visual hierarchy in web design. A web page’s content should be easy to understand on its own, without requiring users to dig through the site looking for answers.

If a web designer doesn’t create a good visual hierarchy, it means that there is not enough contrast between different types of elements. This can result in some crucial information being missed entirely by the user because they didn’t see it due to poor colour choices or lack of size difference between elements. 

Using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress makes it much easier to implement visual hierarchy into web design because the CMS has already set up some default styles that web designers can choose from such as header, text, and sidebar elements which come with their own unique fonts and colours. This allows web designers to quickly create web pages with a visual hierarchy which will help their web designs be more effective.

Overwhelming Background Image

A complicated background image can confuse readers and take away from the web page content.  Keep visual interest in your web design, but make sure it doesn’t get overwhelming or confuse readers.

Maintain a clear hierarchy by keeping web text (paragraphs) on top of other elements such as an image background to allow for quick reading comprehension. The reader should be able to easily identify any headline words while scanning through different font sizes and styles.

Make sure you have a simple image that reflects your web page content. Your background image should also be in line with the web design and colour scheme of your website (if you have one). For example, a blue web page may look more interesting if it has an ocean or sky photo as its background. 

A good website can make a lot of difference on the market. Make sure your navigation is clear and simple to keep people interested. Mind the fonts, meaning using only one on your web page and make it big enough so that everyone can read them without trouble. The colour scheme should also be simple the palette should be complementary. Also, make sure your visual hierarchy and background image are not complicated so that everything is easy to see on your website. Implement these tips and you’ll have a much easier time attracting readers!

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