Today, UX is one of the major buzzwords in the whole e-commerce sector. Every online store owner tries to make their website as intuitive, useful, and engaging as possible. In this article, we are going to take a look at some crucial UX tips that will help you amaze your customers. Let’s get right to it!

UX consists of all the elements that increase customer satisfaction, i.e. website’s design and functionality, loading speed, and general feel. You have to take the needs and expectations of potential customers to thrive online. The main idea behind compelling UX design is to improve every single stage of interaction with your store, including:

  • Browsing offers
  • Placing orders
  • Payments

A good UX design optimizes your digital sales funnel. According to research, almost half of the customers don’t make purchases and leave the website if it is unclear. Moreover, users are reluctant to return to such a page. That’s why you have to be serious about your store’s UX design.

The e-commerce conversion funnel 

The conversion funnel is the path that every customer has to follow to place an order. The analysis of this path is the first step in the e-commerce UX design process.


The home page of your online store should trigger customer interest and catch their attention. It’s the first impression that matters – make the customer want to buy your products.


If you want to convince the customer to purchase your products, it’s crucial to determine their needs and offer products and services that meet them.


Especially e-commerce websites should take care of their credibility. Trust can be gained through high-quality photos, appropriate product descriptions, user-generated content (reviews and opinions), and even high-end technologies such as augmented reality. Safe and quick payment methods are also a good way for a potential customer to trust you.


The way the product is presented is extremely important. At this stage, you can increase customer interest even more, especially with intuitive product tabs and additional features that facilitate discovering the product. Think about:

  • Making product presentation clear and legible
  • Including all the relevant details (e.g., technical specification, configuration options etc.)
  • Adding some fancy technologies like VR, AR, virtual assistant or personalisation options


Keep in mind that e-commerce UX design is not everything. For the customer to make a purchase, it’s necessary to dispel all their doubts, ensure transparency of purchasing and shipping procedures as well as easy access to information.


Your customers shouldn’t be distracted by any additional elements at this stage. Clear instructions and CTA (call to action) buttons are all the customer needs to go through the ordering process smoothly.

How to improve sales in an online store with UX

  • Since we use mobile devices more and more often, it is worth optimising the website for mobile devices
  • Use a chatbox so potential customers can ask questions and talk to a consultant at any time
  • Minimalism, transparency and readability will prevent the customer from being overwhelmed by a large amount of information
  • The principles of UX also involve intuitive navigation so that the user does not waste their time searching for the desired products.

If you want to know more about UX in the e-commerce sector, take a look at this thorough guide about ux best practises.