Fleet programs have accident rates of around 20%, which is three times higher than the average U.S. driving population (6%). Accidents involving company-related vehicles also result in 94,967 lost workdays per year on average. Driver safety is, therefore, a top priority when it comes to managing a fleet. With effective fleet management, you can protect your drivers, your vehicles, and your bottom line.

Invest in fleet management software

Fleet management software helps you monitor each and every aspect of your fleet, as well as alerts you to action needed, therefore helping keep problems at bay. Fleet management software can improve safety, in particular, via its video recording feature. By monitoring fleet drivers, you can ensure they adhere to regulations, protecting themselves and the vehicles. GPS also lets fleet managers monitor performance and maintenance issues. By tracking issues like tire wear, braking habits, mileage, and oil changes, you can prolong the lifespan of your fleet. 

Get fleet insurance

40% of all motor vehicle accidents are work-related, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals, which means it’s essential to protect your business with fleet insurance. Fleet insurance covers accidents for all vehicles used within the scope of employment that result in either bodily injury or property damage (or both). If an employee does get into a vehicle accident while on the job, they may also consider contacting a reputable lawyer for help negotiating an insurance claim. Motor vehicle accidents are the top cause of spinal cord injuries, in particular, and these injuries require extensive and lifelong medical care. In this instance, a spinal cord injury law firm can help settle a claim through negotiation, so employees receive rightful compensation.

Schedule regular vehicle maintenance

Regular vehicle maintenance is essential for protecting both your drivers and vehicles and preventing unnecessary expenditure in the long run. By monitoring the condition of your vehicles, you can prevent minor issues from escalating into larger, more expensive ones later down the line. And, when you involve employees in this process, you can also ensure they’re educated on their fleet maintenance responsibilities. Provide employees with training on basic maintenance, so they’re equipped to handle minor issues.

Effective fleet management is essential for ensuring driver safety, keeping your fleet in good condition, and protecting your bottom line. By investing in fleet management software, getting fleet insurance, and scheduling regular vehicle maintenance, you can pave the way to business success.