Employee relations and employee morale can often be difficult to maintain for business owners. Across the world, just 20% of employees are actively engaged at work. 

This makes team cohesion all the more crucial if only one-fifth are employees are engaged because it can improve employee chemistry and possibly employee production. 

But what is team cohesion? How can you implement it effectively in the workplace? 

This is your team cohesion guide. 

What Is Team Cohesion? 

Before you can receive suggestions to build this up, you must first understand what team cohesion is. Basically, it is the ability for employees to get along together and work effectively as a team. 

It requires likability, feeling like they are part of a group, something bigger than themselves, and proper communication with work tasks. 

Improving Team Cohesion 

So, now that you have a better idea of what this is, the question is, how do you improve it? Well, here are a few ideas. 

Team Building Activities 

One way you can quickly get teams to work closer together is to develop fun activities for low stakes. This can be anything such as a scavenger hunt, trivia contest, a game of basketball, and more. 

The point of this activity should be to have something where people have to work together as a team while also having fun. If both are achieved, they get to relax in a calmer environment, get to know their fellow employees better, and retain the skills that helped them work together for work. 

Signs of Unity 

Another way that you can build team cohesion is to give your employees small gifts that help remind them that they are part of a team. These can be simple things from pens to mugs, banners, t-shirts, hoodies, and more. 

One place that you can build custom coins and badges to reflect your company image and logo is called customchallengecoins.net

Selective Hiring 

If you believe in team chemistry, this needs to be reflected when you are hiring new employees to join your team. 

Let’s say you hired ten employees that work great together, but the next one either ends up being a toxic personality or just does not pull their weight. All it can take is one bad employee to ruin the morale and chemistry that was built up by the other ten employees prior. 

The best way to handle this is to figure out what personality traits your employees respond to and can cooperate with. Then, you have to screen potential employees a little harder to figure out if they are the right personality fit for your team. 

Build Your Team Up 

These are just three of the factors that you need to keep in mind if you are serious about improving team cohesion. Having the right people, group mindset, and activities can make your team stronger. 

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