No matter which city you live in you want to make sure that you are as safe as possible. You can do your bit, and you can give your contribution, but what else can the police do? The police have a presence and this needs maintaining; but in the interest of public safety how can the police force unite communities more, show they care, and most importantly show that they are protecting citizens all year round?

Increased Foot Patrols

Starting at the grassroots level, increased foot patrols are always beneficial. Having police officers patrolling all areas of a city shows they are united in strength and divided by none. Without foot patrols, no physical presence is seen and established, and no confidence is built from citizens, communities, or just members of the public. When it comes to foot patrols they need to be regular, and they need to be informed. For example, if one team within one part of the city is performing a foot patrol differently from another, you have to ask yourself where is the consistency? When there is no consistency you cannot expect to keep track of everything that is going on in a City.

Assistance From NeighborHoods And Communities

Police need the help of others, no matter how large their force is. If police officers do not have the assistance and support of both local communities and neighborhoods then they will struggle to establish and maintain a presence. Police forces in all areas of a city need to be seen, they need to be recognized and most importantly they need to be respected. When assistance is provided and given from local communities and neighborhoods then you have a sense of community and togetherness, and ultimately this is a bond that is very hard to break. So, police officers need to focus on team building and they need to focus on building strong communities that are together and united.

Computer-Aided Dispatch Systems

Relying on paper-based systems is no good. Police officers need something more centralized, and something that is a lot more targeted. Utilizing computer-aided dispatch systems ensures that information and data of incidents and crimes, including those that are ongoing can be shared with ease. It is easy to see on this website that the benefits of a computer-aided dispatch system far outweigh the negatives. For example, using a computer-based system with less input from humans means that there are fewer opportunities for human errors to occur. Errors may not sound big or even feel a bit at the time of an incident; but the errors could be the difference between case numbers dwindling or spiraling out of control.

Regularly Sharing Information

Every city is large, and if the information is not readily shared officers will struggle to share intelligence, solve crimes, and get resolutions as quickly as they need to. Keeping track of a city requires major lines of cooperation, and within these lines of cooperation; if clear communication is not maintained, or if the information is withheld and not shared then there will be a struggle to disseminate the information and pass the relevant information on to the correct departments or sections. Withholding information with teams or departments can be detrimental to an overall plan for a city; so it should not be underestimated just how important open, honest, and accurate communication is, at all levels.

Accurate Recording Of Crimes And Incidents 

Keeping adequate and up-to-date logs of incidents is essential. A uniform approach to crime and safety in any city must be a priority, and, to ensure that this happens logs and records must be kept as accurate as possible. If there are any consistencies in entries, or within the date produced then police officers will not be able to see which areas, or segments they need to target first within a city.

Increased Patrols In Vehicles

On the roads, police officers need to be seen. Having a visible presence on the streets, and having a visible presence on the roads gives police officers the respect that they deserve. If officers are not seen in patrolling vehicles then they will not get the attention or respect they deserve. Increased patrol vehicles on the streets of cities need to be coordinated and they need to be informed. Ad-hoc patrols will look poor and unprofessional.

police officers

Police officers can only do so much and without technology, citizen help and assistance, and accurate programs in place targeted efforts will not be achieved and maintained. Utilizing dispatch systems at all times must be considered essential moving forwards.