On Mother’s Day, why not give Mom something unique and useful this year? Think outside of the box with these smart gifts that show you care. Both practical and from the heart, these gift ideas will help Mom make the most of life’s opportunities.
Unexpected & Smart Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas
So many mothers are giving women who truly love to serve their family and community. This year, why not give your mom some “me time” with a class on something she’s always wanted to explore? Whether it’s jewelry-making, scrapbooking, art history, or wine tasting, there are great classes at community centers, adult/continuing education spaces, and even online. Who knows, Mom might even use her new talent to make a little money on the side!
Personal Finance Book Or Magazine Subscription
Although things are definitely changing, many mothers still leave the big financial decisions to their husbands. Nevertheless, knowing personal finance basics is always well worth learning. Even if your parents are happily married, being financially literate and savvy can help mom plan her retirement and prevent her from feeling ill-prepared to handle her finances in the event something were to happen to Dad. Try a book geared toward women and personal finance (Suze Orman has a few) or consider a classic magazine like Kiplinger’s, which is great for personal finance newbies.
Mother-Daughter or Mother-Son Trip
Travel creates shared memories that last a lifetime. When was the last time you went away with you mom? This year, take a trip with mom or start a dream vacation fund (your gift could be starting the fund with some cash in a high-interest earning savings account). You and your mom can each contribute a small amount toward your goal monthly, then when you’ve saved up, it’s time to travel!
Help Reaching a Financial Goal
It can be tricky to talk to parents about money, but if you’re doing well and your mother is struggling with something like credit card debt or putting your younger sibling through college, maybe you can help out. Initiate a discussion this Mother’s Day about the financial goal your mom has and how you can help. You don’t need to provide monetary support (although you can). You can be a cheerleader for your mother’s financial goal by checking in regularly or treating her to small rewards (like a mani/Pedi or a bouquet of flowers) when she reaches milestones.
Life Coach
If your mother is nearing retirement age or already retired, consider helping her make the most of her golden years with a life coach. Coaches help their clients articulate their goals and desires, develop actionable plans to shape their lives for the better, and hold them accountable through regular check-ins. Whether your mom wants to become a yoga instructor or thinks it would be fun to open a bed and breakfast, a life coach can support her on her journey to create a retirement that’s everything she dreamed it could be.
Personal Organizing
If your parents are still storing your stuff, it’s time to move it. This Mother’s Day, give your mom the gift of personal organizing so she can reclaim her house. You can hire someone if you’re not the next Marie Kondo or work with your mom if you’re on a budget. After decluttering, consign old clothing, take the collectibles to an antique store, have a yard sale, or sell items online. With the money you earn selling stuff your mother no longer needs, treat your mom to a nice dinner or makeover the house together with some brand-new pieces that your mom really loves.
While flowers, chocolates, and trips to the spa are great, giving Mom something that will keep giving back can make for a truly memorable and transformative gift that will keep on giving for years to come.