Are you a writer? Have you always wanted to write a novel, or perhaps a screenplay? Perhaps your heart takes you toward a more journalistic or reportage writing style. It might seem as though the first step is to sit down and start typing out words so that they can be thoughtfully arranged into some cohesive order – but trust me on this one, it’s not as easy as it seems – although you have been told by some people that sometimes your sentences don’t make sense even after being read aloud. Why this disconnection exists between what writers think they’re saying and what readers hear isn’t well known, but what is known is that writing does not come naturally to everyone – and even if it does, you probably still need a little direction.

How To Start A Writing Career

The way to kick-start your career as a writer is much the same as how someone would go about starting a business or renewing their car insurance: It’s all down to research. So, before you begin writing, ask yourself this question: Who will read what I’m going to write? By answering this question honestly and precisely, you will find the difference between those who write for pleasure and those who wish to have others read their work – there IS a divide.

Those who write for pleasure will have no hesitation in using flowery language, complicated sentence structures, and obscure vocabulary – these writers are not looking to engage or entertain their readers but immerse themselves in their thoughts and feelings. On the other hand, those who write for others will take a more professional – albeit less creative – approach to their work. For example, this type of writer might conduct extensive research into their chosen topic, interviewing people and reading everything they can on the subject before sitting down to write. As a result, the finished piece will be well-structured, grammatically correct, and easy to read.

So, now you know which type of writer you are, it’s time to get started. But where do you start? So let’s look at tips for starting your new life as a writer:

Place Your Work With A Reputable Publisher Or Self-Publish It Yourself

If your work is good – and not everyone who begins writing can produce something worthwhile, or sometimes even coherent – you will need to place it with booxai, a reputable publishing house if you want others to read it. This might seem like an obvious statement, but many new writers are under the impression that any old publisher will do for their first attempt at publication. While they might be tempted by how easy it looks to publish your book on the Internet, this person is making a grave mistake. Even established publishers are suffering from financial hardships in these difficult economic times, so unless you are wealthy enough to afford to pay for the printing of copies of your book as well as postage costs (which can be expensive), you should avoid self-publishing.

Join A Writer’s Group

Joining a local or online writing group is one of the smartest moves you can make as a new writer. This is a great way to get started as it allows you to share your work with others and receive constructive feedback. Not only will you get to know other writers and share ideas, critiques, and support, but you’ll also be able to learn about the publishing industry from those who are already successful. Who knows? One of your group members might even offer to help you get published.

Take On A New Challenge And Experiment With Different Genres

As a new writer, your talent will only have been proven through tests of time – nobody knows who they are until they’ve been doing something for a considerable amount of years. Getting yourself noticed in the publishing industry helps to try your hand at something different. This could be trying your hand at a new genre of writing with a different writing style, such as first-person rather than third-person. Sometimes you may write something that needs to be placed elsewhere to give it the best chance of being published; it can happen.

Make Time For Writing Every Day.

To develop as a writer, you must find the time to write every day. If you can’t set aside a half-hour or at least a few hours a week, then you will quickly lose momentum and run out of inspiration. Ask yourself: Do I have enough free time on my hands? Do I have an appropriate place in which to write? Can I lock myself away from distractions such as TV and friends for long enough to achieve something worthwhile? Writing is not all about sitting down and putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys); it also requires research, hard work, and patience.

So if you’re serious about becoming a professional writer, take these tips to heart and start working on your dream today. Remember: it won’t happen overnight, but it is possible with hard work and perseverance.

Read Also: Why Good Writing Skills Are Critical in The Workplace?