When it comes to automating your workflow, you have a lot of different applications to choose from. This article will look at the top six workflow automation applications currently available on the market. We will discuss what each application can do and give you our thoughts on which application best suits your specific needs. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Top seven workflow automation applications

Let’s have a look at the top seven workflow automation applications.


IFTTT stands for “If This, Then That.” It is a service that allows you to connect different applications. For example, you can use IFTTT to post your Instagram photos to your Facebook timeline automatically. Or, you can use IFTTT to send an email whenever you receive a new message in Slack. There are endless possibilities with IFTTT, and it is one of the most popular workflow automation applications on the market.


The only visual no-code platform that empowers business analysts, managers, and technically creative subject matter experts to quickly and securely construct, manage, and integrate enterprise-grade workflow applications is HighGear. HighGear alternatives give you complete control over exactly what your automated process produces, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re a developer or not. You’ll never have to adapt to pre-built software or add to the IT backlog for homegrown solutions. Regulated businesses use HighGear to build their own highly customized workflow applications that promote adoption and result generation.


Zapier is similar to IFTTT because it allows you to connect different applications. However, Zapier focuses more on business users and offers a broader range of features than IFTTT. For example, Zapier allows you to create multi-step workflows and has a built-in CRM integration. Zapier is an excellent choice for businesses that need to automate their workflow.

Microsoft Flow

Microsoft Flow is a workflow automation tool that is part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite of products. With Microsoft Flow, you can create workflows that automate tasks such as sending emails, copying files, and creating calendar events. Flow is an excellent choice for businesses that use Microsoft Office 365.

Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script is a scripting platform that is based on JavaScript. With Google Apps Script, you can automate tasks such as sending emails, copying files, and creating calendar events. Google Apps Script is an excellent choice for businesses that use Google Apps.

Apple Automator

Apple Automator is a workflow automation tool built into the macOS operating system. With Automator, you can automate tasks such as renaming files, extracting text from PDFs, and adding watermarks to images. Automator is an excellent choice for businesses that use macOS.

npm Scripts

npm Scripts is a task runner for Node.js applications. With npm Scripts, you can automate tasks such as building JavaScript files, running tests, and minifying CSS files. npm Script is an excellent choice for businesses that use Node.js.

Which workflow automation application is correct for you?

Now that you know the top six workflow automation applications, you might wonder which one is right for you. The answer depends on your specific needs.

IFTTT or Zapier might be a good choice if you need a simple way to connect different applications. If you use Microsoft Office 365, Flow might be your best choice. Google Apps Script might be your best choice if you use Google Apps. And if you use macOS, then Automator might be the best choice for you. npm Script is an excellent choice for businesses that use Node.js, but it can also be used by anyone who needs a task runner for their JavaScript applications.

The benefits of workflow automation applications

Workflow automation applications can save you a lot of time and effort. For example, let’s say you need to send an email to your boss every time you receive a new message in Slack. With IFTTT, you can create a workflow that automatically sends the email to you. It means that you don’t have to remember to send the email yourself, and it also means that you don’t have to waste time doing it manually.

Another benefit of workflow automation applications is that they can help you avoid mistakes. For example, let’s say you want to ensure that all of your important files are backed up to Dropbox. Zapier can create a workflow that automatically copies your files from your computer to Dropbox. It means that you don’t have to remember to do it yourself, and it also means that backing up your files is automated, which means one less thing to remember at the end of the day.

Finally, workflow automation applications can help you improve your productivity. Let’s say you want to track your time so you can see how much time you spend on each task. Flow can create a workflow that automatically starts a timer when you start working on a task and then stops the timer when you finish the task. It means that you don’t have to waste time starting and stopping timers manually, and it also means that you can see how much time you’re spending on each task.

Risks of workflow automation applications

While workflow automation applications can save you a lot of time and effort, there are also some risks.

  1. The first risk is that you could forget to update your workflow when things change. Let’s say you have a workflow that automatically sends an email to your boss whenever you receive a new message in Slack. But what if Slack changes the way it works, and you stop receiving messages in Slack? Your boss will stop receiving emails if you don’t update your workflow.
  2. Another risk is that you could accidentally delete or overwrite your workflows. It could happen if you accidentally hit the wrong button or delete a file. If this happens, you could lose all of your workflows and have to start from scratch.
  3. Finally, there is always the risk of something going wrong with the workflow. For example, let’s say you have a workflow that automatically backs up your important files to Dropbox. But what if the workflow doesn’t run for some reason? If this happens, then you could lose your essential files.

Despite these risks, workflow automation applications can still be a great way to save time and effort. Just ensure to consider the risks before you start using them carefully.