If you are interested in a new career, enjoy troubleshooting, and love to tinker with electronics and mechanical stuff, then appliance repair is something to explore.
Appliance Repair offers a dynamic profession that can give you financial security, a sense of purpose, and plenty of opportunities while letting you tinker with the latest technologies. As the electronics industry evolves rapidly, there is a constant stream of new appliances and models that need repairs. This makes the career very exciting.
Appliance technicians are always in high demand. It is a very noble and fulfilling job to help fix an appliance that people rely on every day. Likewise, appliance repair is a recession-proof business that you can start at home with a limited budget or you can be employed by an appliance repair company. With the right skills and proper training, anyone (even without prior knowledge of the trade) can learn the basics relatively fast.
In this post, we outline some of the steps you need to take to become an appliance technician.
How to Become a Certified Appliance Technician?
Appliance technicians perform a range of maintenance and repair services for a wide variety of electronic appliances and machinery. They ensure that the machinery is operating efficiently and safely.
To become an appliance technician, you need to know electronics and technical skills. Once you’ve decided to pursue this career, there are several steps you need to take.
1. Look for training opportunities
As mentioned above, you need to have relevant education and training. Research for available training programs online and on-site. Typically, you can find courses in technical & vocational schools, community colleges, or online training providers. These courses introduce students to electronics, electrical, and mechanical concepts. Likewise, you’ll also learn the necessary skills and tools used in the trade. If you have prior knowledge of these concepts, things should be easier.
There are also manufacturer-sponsored training or boot camps, available on-site and online. By completing this training, you can become an authorized service provider.
The duration of training and courses varies depending on the provider and the complexity of topics. Some appliance repair companies offer on-the-job training which can accelerate the process. However, if you’re taking an actual tech-voc course, it can take around one to two years.
2. Obtain certification
Although most states don’t require certification for general appliance repair technicians, getting certified can boost your career and increase your earning potential. Certifications demonstrate that you meet a certain standard of competence and professionalism.
Some organizations offer certification programs that validate your skills like the International Society of Certified Electronics Technicians which offers the National Appliance Service Technician Certification (NASTeC). Being certified opens up many opportunities such as employment in government and private organizations.
Some specializations require a certification, advanced training, or apprenticeship program. For example, refrigerators and AC technicians are required under EPA regulations Section 608 to complete an EPA-approved test because they handle hazardous materials, particularly refrigerants containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
3. Gain experience
Aside from theoretical instruction, you need to gain actual, hands-on experience in this industry. Look for on-the-job training or internships where you can experience various appliance problems and errors. These are usually available in maintenance departments of larger companies or small repair businesses.
Experts from Hartman’s appliance repair company stress that the best way to learn is by shadowing experienced technicians. Here you can learn advanced skills in troubleshooting complex appliance problems. In actual training, you can encounter fixing refrigerators, washers, stoves, dryers, air conditioners, and more.
Through experience, you can also gain some useful tips and tricks that are important in your trade. You can also develop skills needed to become a great appliance services technician such as problem-solving, electrical and electronics knowledge, expertise in tools and equipment, communication, and customer service. These soft skills are equally important with technical proficiency.
And since appliance technology is rapidly changing, it is crucial to keep abreast with the latest appliance models. Along with continuing education, hands-on experience is the only way to keep your skills up-to-date.
Once you’ve hurdled through these first steps you can now start a lucrative appliance repair career.
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