With customers finding flash advertisements annoying and banner ads untrustworthy, it would be fair to say traditional marketing does not yield great results. Customers want connectivity along with more reliable information served in digestible bits. Hence, this is the age of content marketing. Content marketing ensures that the targeted audience feels seen and heard. It allows you to have a conversation with the customers and use the trust to welcome them to spend on your items and services. Content marketing can provide a greater reach for businesses while saving money as a backbone for small businesses. 

Content marketing employs many schemes: blogs, social media posts, emails, webinars, podcasts, or infographics. Content production requires multiple groups, such as product/service experts, the marketing team, and freelancers, to work together and collaborate on task execution, planning, management, and publication. More the work, the higher the need for tools and digital technologies to assist in each step, and each step could require at least one software or tool.

Planning the project, handling finances, checking progress, or just reviewing previously completed assignments manually or individually can be very inconvenient and costly. It would not be surprising if you end up losing some valuable data or face disruptions and delays when switching between different steps. 

Small businesses have tight budgets, smaller markets, and a lot of competition to deal with. As a small business owner, you would want to avoid the unnecessary trouble caused by scattered software and weak collaboration. Thankfully, we have Content Marketing Platforms (CMP) that offer all-in-one solutions.

To best understand content marketing platforms or software, think of it as similar to a smartphone. A smartphone reduces space and carries essential features like alarms, notes, entertainment outlets, and messaging along with calls, making it quite handy. The content marketing software packs all functions needed for the whole marketing process. It is an excellent resource for small businesses because it can streamline and optimize strategies with a single investment. Since there are many options for software, you would want to compare content marketing software to see which one fits your needs the best. 

Invest in a platform that closely fulfills all your content marketing needs as a small business. If you’re not convinced, let’s have a closer look at the positives CMPs can offer you.

Task Automation

Automation saves time and increases efficiency while strengthening collaboration. Most CMPs come with a content calendar that keeps your project schedule intact, allowing you to automate and understand each project’s status, stage, and progress and make adjustments accordingly.

Moreover, with a company growing, getting more qualified leads is a given. The right tools can also manage the new leads by accommodating more projects without the need to hire new resources for management. It serves the dual purpose of saving costs while using the same resources to nurture new leads. Since the budget is always tight for small businesses, the content marketing software helps cut down expenses.

Within the domain of task, automation falls into email automation. As emails often fall under the content marketing umbrella, task automation ensures that email newsletters are sent without disruptions. The software also helps in improving team accountability since the whole task pipeline is connected. With increased transparency, productivity, and lead nurturing comes higher ROI (return on investment). With increased returns and revenue, your small business growth can accelerate while saving you time, money, and resources. 

Real-Time Data And Analytics

All the information of the past projects and current leads are packed together in one place. With details right in front of you and the software offering analytics, you can produce in-depth insights into your campaigns and customer response. 

Since static data (data of a particular time) does not present the entire picture, the consistent dynamic data collected on the software comes into use. Dynamic data analytics can be used to keep up with the latest trends and make informed decisions. 

This enables you to tap into consumer behaviors and react quickly to their needs—allowing you to keep the loyal customers satisfied while reaching out to new ones. 

Strong Social Media Presence

To gain more ROI, focusing on the internet is vital. 85% of the B2B buyers encourage using social media for useful information. Since social media has a strong impact, publishing and sharing marketing articles on it is of great importance. The CM platform assists in this scenario too. It allows you to edit, publish and post within seconds and with great ease. Even if the stakeholders are not tech-savvy and want to see the final launch, you can clearly show them the last step execution. 

Removes Redundancies 

Without the content marketing platform, the software and assets are often scattered. The mess usually leads to loss. When the employees can not identify or find the required assets, they end up recreating them to start the project work. It leads to the depletion of time and resources- something which small businesses should avoid. However, everything is visible and accessible to the team members under a platform, preventing unnecessary overlaps. 

In Conclusion

Your small business needs the right marketing strategy and well-thought-out investments. Content marketing will help you gain more ground in the market. Personalized customer experience will open doors of success for your business if you make the process easier using a content marketing platform.

The task automation ensures more efficiency, saves time, money, and resources. Employee ease is produced by simplifying the process and allowing work to be done in the software, and every step is taken care of: from the content calendar to social media posts or data analytics.