The U.S. market size for personal injury lawyers is $38 billion and is still growing.

Personal injury attorneys help accident victims to get justice. They investigate the circumstances which caused the accident and gather the right evidence to prove negligence.

If you have been involved in an accident that affected your health, income, reputation, or happiness, then you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in Racine.

This guide will discuss the top nine types of personal injury cases that require an attorney’s intervention. Read through them to learn more.

1. Auto Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are the most common reported personal injury cases. Each year, more than 50 million people get injured on the roads. These accidents involve trucks, motor vehicles, personal cars, bicycles, and so on.

According to reports, pedestrians sustain the most injuries. However, drivers and passengers are not as safe as they are susceptible to road accidents too.

The leading causes of road accidents include reckless driving, over speeding, poor roads, poor weather, lack of driving expertise, etc. When you or your dear one is involved in a road accident, you should immediately inform your personal injury lawyer. They can assess and analyze your case and develop a legal strategy to obtain the compensation you need for your injuries. From paperwork to the negotiation with the insurance company and legal representation in court, they can be of great help. 

On the other hand, as the success of most personal injury cases depends on the weight of the evidence submitted and your ability to prove the liability of the other driver, You should also record enough evidence at the accident scene to support your claim.

2. Medical Malpractice

It’s your right to receive the correct medical health care. When you visit a health care facility, you deserve quick treatment, proper diagnosis, and excellent communication.

Sadly, this is not always the case. Some doctors, nurses, and other medical specialists risk the life of their patients because of negligence. Some administer the wrong drugs; others conduct incorrect surgical procedures, while others neglect the patients.

Any medical malpractice can cause more harm to the sick and may even cause death. If you feel ignored in the hospital or anything goes wrong while there, a lawyer can help you.

The lawyer should investigate the medical malpractice case, and the doctors involved, and guide you in proving negligence to your hospital or another person responsible for the malpractice. For instance, an experienced lawyer may present evidence that proves the negligence of the medical professional involved. They may demonstrate that a doctor-patient relationship existed and a duty of care was required from the doctor. But the medical professional violated that duty through negligent acts, resulting in injuries to the patient. Lastly, the injuries led to economic and non-economic damages, depending on the circumstances. 

If the lawyer is able to provide evidence for each element of negligence, then you may have a better chance of winning your malpractice case.

3. Assault

The world is becoming a dangerous place to live by the day. Unlike before, the criminal cases are now more, so the assault injuries have become prevalent.

In contrary to the other personal injury accidents, assault cases are not caused by negligence. The person at fault hurts you intentionally. The intentional injuries can cause an additional crime charge in addition to the personal injury case.

If you are a victim of an assault, inform your Assault lawyer today to initiate a personal injury lawsuit against the perpetrator.

4. Premises Liability

You can sue a property owner or a landlord for any injuries that you incur while in the building. According to the property law, landlords should confirm their buildings’ condition before they rent them out. This means keeping the premises safe for their tenants, customers, and employees.

Hence, If any injuries/death happens to the occupants, the building owners should take full responsibility. The premises liability accidents can happen anywhere from grocery stalls, malls, swimming pools, neighbors’ buildings, etc. If you’ve been injured on another person’s property, you may file a premise liability claim against the owner to recover compensation. Like other injury cases, working with a personal injury lawyer may also help you get a more favorable result. 

5. Defamation Claims

Personal injury cases do not revolve around the physical harms only. Sometimes, they come from third parties’ emotional abuse.

The defamation claims, for instance, are caused by wrongful statements. These statements might damage your reputation, affect your social life, and block your income.

The damages may be worse if the wrongful statements are made in public. Defamation is wrong, although many people choose to stay silent about it. 

If you have been a victim of defamation at some point, reach out to a personal injury lawyer to get compensation for the lost reputation and earning capacity.

6. Workplace Accidents

Workplace injuries are common in risky industries, such as construction. These accidents happen in other fields, too, with statistics showing that a worker gets injured every seven seconds.

Wondering what causes workplace injuries? The accidents may be caused by collision, fire, and so on. When the unfortunate case happens, you should first report to your supervisor and then call your injury attorney.

If the accident makes you disabled, the lawyer can help you get the lifetime disability benefits.

7. Dog Bites

It’s no doubt that a dog is the most beloved human pet. However, its friendliness does not stop it from attacking. Millions of Americans seek medical help every year after dog bites attacks. Others lose their lives or develop severe injuries that need lifelong care.

The dog bites liability varies from one state to another. But in general, the dog owner is held responsible for the dog bite. 

The dog owner should compensate you if they knew that the dog was dangerous and didn’t lock it up. To help prove it, you may contact a personal injury lawyer who can prepare and organize the evidence for your claim. 

8. Products Liability

Have you ever bought a defective product? Did it cause any harm to your body? If yes, then you should have reported that case.

The law requires product dealers to confirm the safety of the products before they sell them. For food items, the ingredients should be all safe, and the products should not be expired.

The same case applies to non-edible products. They should be functional and should have the right properties mentioned in advertisements. Do not hesitate to call a personal injury lawyer if a dealer sells you an expired or defective product.

9. Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall injuries can be severe. Often, they result in hip injuries, chest injuries and can affect the head/brain too.

Victims of head and slip injuries may be forced to stay out of work for an extended period. Others get long term injuries which require them to depend on others for their entire lives.

In such cases, filing a personal injury claim may be an excellent solution. The lawyer should follow up on the wrongful injury case to help you get justice.

Know Your Options on the Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

There are many types of personal injury cases, but these are the common ones. If you think that someone is responsible for your current injuries or sufferings, find an excellent lawyer to help you. The legal expert will investigate the case and help you collect the required evidence.

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