Where does such fatigue come from that doesn’t go away even after a good night’s sleep and a relaxed weekend? When it is enough to change the daily routine to fight fatigue, and when you cannot do without the help of a doctor, find out all answers in this article.
What Is Fatigue?
Fatigue is often associated with increased sleepiness, which can develop with sleep deprivation, prolonged mental or physical work, prolonged stress, or increased anxiety. Fatigue can be acute and chronic, mental and physical – and these are completely different conditions. Researchers at the Center for Community Research, in an article published in PM&R magazine in 2010, identify two main types of fatigue:
Non-Pathological Fatigue
It can develop as a result of excessive physical exertion, acute respiratory viral infections, and endocrinopathies. The majority of the population regularly gets tired, recovers, and rushes into battle with renewed vigor. In fact, once the root cause of fatigue disappears, so does the feeling of fatigue. Short-term fatigue lasts less than 1 month, while moderate fatigue lasts from 1 to 3 months.
Pathological Fatigue
It usually develops in people with chronic diseases, lasts a long time, and leads to serious violations of the quality of human life. Long-term fatigue lasts from 1 to 5 months-occurs in 5-6.78% of the general population.
And chronic fatigue (6 months or more) – occurs in 2.72-4.17% of the population. Studies show that 63.6% of people with prolonged fatigue and 75.7% of people with chronic fatigue see a doctor for overwork.
Causes Of Fatigue
Following are the most common causes of fatigue identified by doctors, apart from logical, physical fatigue after physical exertion or fatigue from overwork:
1. Alcohol Addiction
One of the major causes of fatigue in the US is alcohol abuse. According to Harvard research, drinking alcohol at night leads to frequent awakening at night, and regular consumption of alcohol makes a person lethargic and drowsy. Thus, lack of energy and physical exhaustion become a part of life for such people.
To get rid of such a problem, one must quit alcohol, and no matter where you live, you can always find help in the US. Those living in the southeastern region of the US can get help from Mississippi addiction treatment centers as these are some of the best in the States. Once a person gets sobriety, the problem of fatigue will also start to disappear.
2. Sleep Deficit
This is the most common cause of persistent fatigue. Experts recommend that adults sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. But polls show that 37% of working adults sleep less than this time. In addition, fatigue is often accompanied by drowsiness.
And this is not surprising because sleepiness is the result of two mechanisms – the circadian rhythm and the body’s desire to rest after increased activity. Unfortunately, if a person does shift work, he often does not observe his biological rhythms – sleep deficit and pathological drowsiness develop.
Fatigue due to a lack of sleep leads to a decrease in cognitive functions, loss of performance, decreased concentration, especially when performing monotonous work. However, once a person starts getting enough sleep, the problem may get resolved within a month.
3. Improper Nutrition
Constant fatigue can be caused by a banal lack of food. If a person is on a calorie deficit diet while working full time, it would be strange if he did not feel constant fatigue. The body sends a signal that it would be good to establish a balance between energy expenditure and its intake.
If such signals are not listened to, there is a high risk that the body will begin to conserve resources to protect against infections in the next stage. And with a decrease in concentration from fatigue, the likelihood of injury during training increases. You should revise your diet; add high protein meals and whole grains. In this case, you should choose foods with a low glycemic index.
4. Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the major causes of fatigue during intense endurance training. But in everyday life, you should be aware of the risks of dehydration. Even small changes in fluid balance can affect a person’s performance. Dehydration reduces blood volume, which means the heart has to work harder to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and skin.
As dehydration increases, blood is directed predominantly to the muscles, and the skin’s ability to dissipate heat decreases. Internal warming up against a background of dehydration leads to muscle cramps, dizziness, and fatigue. Thus, remember to drink enough water throughout the day.
5. Excess Caffeine
It would seem that caffeine is a substance that energizes us, improves concentration, mobilizes, and generally invigorates us. But not all caffeine works this way. The fact is that caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain. And adenosine is a substance that affects the sleep-wake cycle. During sleep, the level of adenosine drops, and during periods of activity, it rises.
When adenosine binds to specific receptors in the brain tissue, it slows down its activity while a person prepares for sleep. Caffeine, occupying these same receptors, prevents the brain from slowing down in the literal sense of the word. In some people who consume coffee regularly and in large enough quantities, the body begins to produce more receptors.
As a result, tolerance to the effects of caffeine develops. But that is not all. Caffeine raises blood sugar levels, temporarily decreasing a person’s insulin sensitivity. As a result, the stimulating effect of caffeine disappears, and it is replaced by symptoms of hyperglycemia – high blood sugar levels: headaches, impaired concentration, and fatigue.
Take Away
Fatigue is a common health problem faced by many individuals. If one does not treat this problem, it becomes a chronic disease. We mentioned some of the major causes of fatigue, so it becomes easier for you to treat it before things get out of hand.