Religion has played a significant role in our lives since we were children. Our earliest memories or pictures will testify to the fact that religion has been a part of us. It doesn’t matter what religion you came from. For instance, as a child, you will have pictures of your baptism and Christening dress. Even before a couple has children, they ask each other how religious the kids will be? Since religion is a significant factor in most of our decisions, it only highlights how important a part it is of any society. So how does religious education influence and help us? Here are some things worth exploring when it comes to religion:

1. It Brings Communities Together

Every religion has a token celebratory day. When we learn about different beliefs at school or through conversations, we get to celebrate these events. When we share someone’s joy, it brings us closer to each other. It also brings deeper understanding and avoids biased feelings towards each other. For any society, when members of different religions can mingle together, it brings harmony. Harmony is essential to ensure we all work towards a common goal instead of working against each other.

2. It Teaches Culture

Our cultural roots stem from religion. We are a definition of our ancestors. Learning what path was laid for us through our ancestors makes us appreciate life more. We also begin enjoying our cultural teachings and try our best to uphold them. If you like art and culture at play, consider purchasing religious décor pieces from to enhance your quest for learning. The curiosity to know about where your roots stem from should get ingrained within.

3. It Brings Positivity and Tolerance

Religion teaches you many different concepts. These concepts will have a positive effect on you and your mind. It teaches the idea of equality, cohabitation, and even peace. In addition to these core factors, a strong faith in God keeps society operating with a solid moral code. Morals are what keep crimes at bay. An organization can’t thrive when there is no morality intact and human lives have no value. We can witness how the seeds of intolerance can shatter the fragile structure of any society. Equality is the way forward, not extending a superiority complex over each other. 

4. It Encourages Critical Thinking

The stories we study in our scriptures are not simply stories. These texts can serve a vital purpose that encourages you to think. When you read about a journey or a prophetic account, you should ask questions. Learn about how people lived back then, why these scriptures are essential, and how prophets did their job. When you get into the habit of questioning, thinking, and connecting the dots, it can help you in life. You’ll face many situations in real life where asking questions is essential. It is also necessary to study an incident from every angle to make a conclusive decision. When people get into the habit of responding instead of rashly jumping into a situation, it only brings positive outcomes. 

5. It Can Help Growing Children

When children enter this complex world, they are clueless regarding all aspects of human life, including their connection with the divine, which leads to a plethora of questions later on. As they grow older, these questions may perplex them. Children are growing more than physically. They have emotional and spiritual needs too. When parents sit and discuss religious teachings with them, it can give them a source of comfort. It can also act as a reference point for children, so they can turn to religion when they feel they’re in a crisis. Also, through religion, children can resolve essential questions about their inner self, which contributes to bringing harmony to society.

6. Establishes A Global Understanding 

Religion also talks about artifacts, music, and stories. When you study these texts in detail, you gain a deeper understanding of this world. There is so much you can learn. You learn about the geographical importance of so many countries and their communities. You even understand the importance of how communities mingled together and started their settlements. A global understanding is essential. When you know the history of the world, you know how it evolved into modernization. A society evolves with time, and a community needs to learn from the past to move forward. Humans function better when we start understanding each other and each other’s history. You’ll find yourself more tolerant towards others and their history, especially if it intertwines with your own. 

7. Families Get Time Together

Families need to spend time together. Religion gives them a chance to. When there is one day – a religious holiday – dedicated to families sitting together and having a meal, it brings harmony. We get so wrapped in our lives we forget how much our children need our time too. For instance, on a bright Sunday morning, when you dress up for mass, you get to enjoy seeing your family look their best. After mass you may have a meal with your family, talk to them about their day or relax with friends. A sense of community will settle over you, and you’re also updated on what’s going on in each other’s lives. Mass is also an excellent way to discuss specific issues plaguing society and how we can come together to prevent them. 

Wrap Up

When we talk about a growing and thriving society, we often use terms like harmony and prosperity. However, how do we bring a community together where there are so many divisions among people? What brings them close? Religion is the answer to all these questions. Religion brings tolerance, unification, and even hospitality between people. It teaches you about the past and how it fits in the future. For many, religion is a source of comfort and hope. It prevents us from succumbing to darkness and seeking immoral means to find relief. Children can also benefit significantly from religion. They will find answers to many questions plaguing them and preventing them from getting the help they need. So religion helps people feel connected, fulfilled, and spiritually uplifted to the next level.