Despite the current cost of living crisis, people are still spending hundreds a month with their hairdressers. The reason for this is that regardless of what’s going on with the economy, people still need to get their hair cut, and they prefer to have it done by a professional. Because of this, it’s fair to say that the hairdressing industry is one that’s highly lucrative and very in demand.

If you are interested in getting into the hairdressing industry, then the first thing that you should know is that it’s extremely competitive. In order to excel, you need to be trained, prepared, and motivated.

This post will tell you a few useful tips for becoming a hairdresser:

Hairdresser Kit

If you want to become a hairdresser, then it’s a good idea to invest in an equipment kit. An equipment kit will provide you with all of the various tools that you need to become a hairdresser, including scissors, combs, and blow dryers. If you are new to hairdressing, then look for hairdressing kits for an apprentice, so that you can get tools that match your skill level. Before purchasing any kind of kit, be sure to read the manufacturer’s online reviews. A company’s reviews will give you an idea about whether or not it’s sensible to buy their products. If they receive nothing but bad reviews, then avoid them.

Professional Training

If you want to become a hairdresser, then training is necessary. You won’t be able to confidently cut people’s hair until you have been trained in how to do so. Unfortunately, a lot of people try to become hairdressers without training, instead relying on video demonstrations and digital tutorials to learn. A training course (which you can take at your local college or privately) will help you to familiarise yourself with all of the different styles and types of haircut, in addition to how to treat customers, and even how to start your own salon. If you are under the age of 21, you could get access to one of these courses for free.

Getting Experience

In addition to attending a training course, it’s also a good idea to get some professional experience. The best way to do this is to cut your friend’s hair for free. Alternatively, you can get a job in somebody else’s salon, working there as an apprentice. An apprenticeship in hairdressing will make it easier for you to learn about how to treat customers and how to cut people’s hair professionally. Working in a salon will also help you to understand how a salon’s run, so when you open your own you know exactly what you are doing.

Opening Salon

Opening a salon should be on your list of things to do. When you are experienced enough, it makes no sense at all to work for somebody else. After all, what’s the point in making another person a profit when you are qualified enough to go out on your own? One thing that you should be aware of is that you can actually rent a chair in somebody else’s salon when you are starting up your business. Renting a chair means that more or less everything you earn (once you have paid your weekly rent) is profit.

Private Clients

When you are renting a chair in somebody else’s salon, be sure to give your card out to people so that you can get private clients. A lot of hairdressers start their businesses by working with private clients exclusively. Once you have enough private clients, then you can open a salon and sustain your business with them. When you have a salon, you will also get people coming in who have never had their hair cut by you before, but who have heard good things or have simply passed your salon in the street and want to try it out.

Online Marketing

Online marketing is essential if you want to start your own hairdressing business. The best place to market yourself online as a hairdresser is social media because it gives you access to a large number of people, who you can contact and reach out to through hashtags, location tags, DMs, and image tags. Online marketing is the most effective way to bring exposure to your business. If you are targeting young people, then it’s a good idea to use Instagram and Snapchat. If your audience is older, then use Facebook (and Instagram, too).

Becoming a hairdresser can be difficult, but with hard work, is possible. If you want to become a hairdresser, then it’s essential that you do your research, read this guide, and implement the tips outlined here. Be sure to attend some kind of course if you have no prior experience, so that you can learn everything a hairdresser needs to know.